Monday, November 19, 2007

Thinking Outside the Bin

I received a call from a newspaper reporter in Florida the other day, asking my thoughts on a new ad space in airports – security bins. Is this considered alternative media advertising? Is there any merit to these ads?

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My response: One of the reasons that Street Attack is in the business of alternative marketing is because we believe that people have become desensitized to traditional marketing in traditional spaces. In my opinion, security bin ads would fall under the category of what people have become desensitized to. It was really only a matter of time before “traditional” media advertising took this bin space over. Realistically, the bin ad is no different than the grocery cart ad, except that people spend even less time interacting with airport bins.

My suggestion: take a step back from traditional thought and traditional placements for ads. You can only be so creative within that space. The future of advertising is in creative uses of the environment, giving value to your audience, and letting your audience experience and discover your brand/product. I’ve included a few examples of creative ad placements that piqued my attention.

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